Author’s Note

By trade, I’m a Wall Street trained management consultant with an MBA in Corporate and Investment Finance. My practice specialty is corporate planning and reorganization. I have managed engagements in the United States and Europe.

I have been quoted in The New York Times and in Crain’s New York Business, lectured at The New School University on How To Improve Leadership Skills and was interviewed on New York TV News Channel 1.

I have given Chase Bank sponsored Leadership Skills workshops to venture capital groups and entrepreneurs. I presented Leadership Skills workshops to co-op board presidents at the NYC Co-op and Condo Council Annual conference for over twenty years and was quoted multiple times in Habitat Magazine.

I have advised The New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission on operational reforms. I have consulted to the Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate Sector-Specific Agency to develope a National Preparedness Program for 2nd and 3rd tier Critical Manufacturing companies.

I advised Senator John McCain’s investigating committee on best practices and boxing reform, and testified as an expert witness on boxing reform before Senator Roy Goodman’s 1996 New York State Commission hearings on Corruption in Boxing.

Over a hundred fifty original tales and several dozen more as reprints, have been published in online and print journals. My fiction has been published in over a hundred literary journals.

I was featured in a single author anthology, nominated for a Pushcart Prize, received the 2018 Write Well Award for excellence in short fiction and, twice nominated, received Honorable Mention in The Best American Mystery Stories 2017. Nine novels are available and include tales of mystery, fantasy, horror, romance and mainstream fiction.

I am looking to partner with cable/TV companies to develop proprietary properties based on the novels and short stories in

I support several dozen charities each year and have volunteered for neighborhood as well as national non-profit organizations including Vacation Camp For The Blind, UNICEF, American Cancer Society, The United Way, American Diabetes Association, Reading For The Blind, The New York Blood Bank, American Red Cross, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society and local churches & synagogues.

‘Author of The World’ writer Evelyne Fallows interviewed me on November 12th 2018 and posted the experience on the 16th, ‘A Conversation With Author Arthur Davis’ on her blog:

I welcome your visiting my Author Central page on Amazon and the Poets & Writers Directory.
